Thanks for checking out the Camp Shutout FAQ page. You’d be surprised how many folks don’t check this out first before calling with questions. Below are answers to many of the questions asked about Camp Shutout West Michigan.

How long has Camp Shutout West Michigan been doing this?
Camp Shutout West Michigan has been offering camps and training since 2009, but Camp Shutout (often referred to as the ‘Big Show’) with which we’re affiliated with, has been putting on camps since 1989. Many of the coaches at Camp Shutout also coach at the Big Show and vice versa.

Our week long camp started in 2012, and we have a summer 2-day and winter 2-day camp as well each year.

What is the age range of participants?
The 2-day camps attract goalkeepers from age 8 to 18, with current average age being about 14. For our week-long camp, the starting age starts closer to 10, with the younger ones more inclined to do the 2-day camp ‘Road Shows’.

How many goalkeepers attend?
Typical Summer Camp Shutout attendance is around 100.

Typical Winter and Summer Road Show attendance is around 60.

Attendance has often limited based on where each event is held.

What is ratio of keepers to coaches?
One of the things that separates Camp Shutout from many of the other keeper camps is that we work to have a keeper to coach ratio of around 9-1. Many times this ratio is even lower.

How are players grouped?
Players are grouped by age, and also by ability in order to challenge them to improve. During the course of a camp, players can be moved up or down in groups to properly challenge them. That said, the 10 year olds aren’t training with the 18 year olds, but you will see multiple ages within training groups.

How quickly does it fill up?
Camp Shutout West Michigan has been offering quality goalkeeper training in the Grand Rapids area since 2009, gaining a reputation as a source for high-quality keeper training. This means that registration begins to fill up quickly for any of our events. As registration opens up several months before an event, waiting until the event is closer isn’t always wise. Luckily, a deposit payment is available to secure space.